Child custody cases are among the most highly contested cases we handle. The following is a list of custody issues frequently handled by our office.
- Paternity cases, non-marital children
- Visitation, parenting plans, physical custody
- Legal custody, information sharing, joint decision making
- Parental alienation, lack of communication, manipulation
- Mental health issues experienced by parents or children, mental health evaluations, obtaining appropriate treatment and/or authorization to obtain treatment
- Special education, special needs (emotional, cognitive, sensory, physical), 504 plans, IEPs
- Child support, extracurricular expenses, college costs
- Cases involved Guardians ad Litem
- Domestic violence and other forms of abuse
- Child abuse, child neglect, child removed from the home
- Juvenile Court Care and Protection cases, DCF involvement, DCF service plans
- Blended families, grandparent visitation, family guardianship arrangements
- Guardianships of minors (a non-parent third party having temporary or permanent custody of a minor)
- Changes to parenting plans as children age and schedules change
- Removal of child(ren) from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- Child support arrearages, contempts, capias, potential incarceration, wage garnishment
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